Shirley Wong (王靖雯) Album

Album Title 王靖雯 (wòhng jihng màhn)
Meaning Shirley Wong (Faye Wong’s stage name)
Release Date November 2, 1989
  1. However That Day (無奈那天)
  2. Excuses (藉口)
  3. If Destined (有緣的話)
  4. Delicate Hands (溫柔的手)
  5. Last Train (尾班車)
  6. The Unsettled Heart (未平復的心)
  7. Still the Same Old Phrase (仍是舊句子)
  8. Middle Person (中間人)
  9. Like Listening to Lies (愛聽謊言)
  10. New Life (新生)
Note The edition shown is from the boxset From Beginning (從頭認識).
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