Random Thoughts (胡思亂想) Album

Album Title 胡思亂想 (wùh sī lyuhn séung)
  • Random thoughts
  • Make blind and disorderly conjectures
  • Have a bee in one’s bonnet
Release Date June 29, 1994
  1. Random Thoughts (胡思亂想)
  2. Pledge (誓言)
  3. Heaven and Earth (天與地)
  4. Dream Person (夢中人)
  5. Know Oneself and Each Other (知己知彼)
  6. Innocence (純情)
  7. End of the Game (遊戲的終點)
  8. Sleepwalk (夢遊)
  9. Moment of Blue (藍色時份)
  10. Reminiscence Is a Red Sky (回憶是紅色天空)
Note The edition shown is from the boxset From Beginning (從頭認識).
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