Ingratiate Oneself (討好自己) Album

Album Title 討好自己 (tóu hóu jih géi)
  • Ingratiate oneself
  • Please myself
Release Date December 20, 1994
  1. Ingratiate Oneself (討好自己)
  2. Honeymoon (蜜月期)
  3. Being Criminal (為非作歹)
  4. I Fear (我怕)
  5. Exit (出路)
  6. Simplicity Is Most Romantic (平凡最浪漫)
  7. Float ()
  8. Brink of Love and Pain (愛與痛的邊緣)
  9. Shadow of Your Back (背影)
  10. Sky Doesn’t Change, Earth Changes (天不變地變)
Note The edition shown is from the boxset From Beginning (從頭認識).
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◄ Previous Release: Sky (天空)